You are here: Features to be deprecated in Meridian Enterprise 2016

Features to be deprecated in Meridian Enterprise 2016

Meridian Enterprise has evolved considerably to keep pace with our customers' needs since its debut in 2000. We've also added many new features to keep pace with constantly evolving technology.

To best allocate our development and support resources, some older Meridian Enterprise features are being deprecated in this release. These features have been selected either because they have been replaced by newer features with better functionality or because the technology used by the older features has become obsolete or cannot be maintained together with newer technology. For example, the technology upon which the AMFS service was built is no longer supported by recent versions of the Windows operating system.

Following is a list of the deprecated features and their replacements.

Deprecated features
Feature Replacement

Work areas

Project folders

Work isolation mode

Document type workflows or workflow definitions

BlueCielo File System (AMFS) service

Local and shared workspaces

Visual Basic 6 (COM) developer tools

BlueCielo .NET SDK

What this means for your organization is, effective on the date of release of Meridian Enterprise 2016, these features:

If you have not done so already, we recommend that you make the following preparations at your earliest opportunity to minimize business disruption when you upgrade to this release:

For expert professional assistance with planning, training, or implementing these changes, please contact your BlueCielo Partner or BlueCielo Professional Services.